Squads Abroad is a 501c3 non-profit organization under our parent company Global Brigades, a Platinum Level Guidestar member for Financial Transparency. Since 2004, our organization has collectively mobilized more than 70,000 international volunteers to help resolve global health and economic disparities around the world.

Learn and apply concepts of entrepreneurship and business planning, including assessment using the Business Model Canvas and SWOT analysis, working with owners of microenterprises located in resource-limited rural communities in Ghana.

Students are guided by our local economic development professionals to work with Ghanaian business owners to discuss, analyze, and develop business plans to address issues and challenges. Working in small teams, students will meet multiple times with their clients to assess their business, learn the challenges that entrepreneurs face in Ghana, complete industry research, apply concepts of microfinance to improve their business, and utilize our deliverable templates to create and then present customized business plans to their clients.

Students will also develop and present a Business Fundamentals Workshop to Ghanian vocational high school students and their teachers.

In addition to our skills-based learning objectives, seeking to build intercultural competence is integrated into the course. A final executive summary presentation and the client business plan will be developed with the assistance of our staff.

Business Entrepreneurship Learning Objectives

Students that successfully complete the Business Entrepreneurship Program will be able to

  • Analyze economic and social issues impacting rural communities in a developing country.
  • Discuss concepts of microfinance utilized in community banking in an african country.
  • Consult with clients from rural communities in a developing country.
  • Analyze a business’s strengths and weaknesses to develop appropriate solutions.
  • Collaborate with student colleagues and rural-based business owners to develop business plans to help their clients improve their businesses.
  • Develop and deliver educational services to vocational school students and their teachers.


This program includes Asynchronous and In-Person Sessions.  Modules 1-5 are Asynchronous and are to be completed before the trip to Ghana. Module 6 is a live  Zoom session (scheduling to be coordinated with the faculty member and students),  and is also to be completed before the trip to Ghana. Modules 7- 22 are In-Person in Ghana.

Module 1 – Self-paced Activities: Global Brigades Overview, Economic Context in Ghana, Social Determinants Impacting the Economic Situation, and What Does It Mean to be a Consultant in an International Context?

  • Watch the Global Brigades Foundations video.
  • Students take a Quiz on the Global Brigades Foundations video.
  • Watch the video about the economic situation in Ghana
  • Students write at least two questions they would like to know more about the economic situation in Ghana.
  • Watch the video on How to be a Consultant in an International Context.
  • Read several articles on small business challenges in Ghana , how to be a good consultant, and the impact of microfinance on poverty in Ghana in preparation for the In-Person program in Ghana.
  • Note any questions that arise in anticipation of the in-person discussion in GHANA.
  • Watch the video fighting poverty together

Module 2Self-paced Activities: How Global Brigades Supports Community Banks.

  • Watch Cajas Rurales video.
  • Note any questions that arise in anticipation of the In-Person discussion in Ghana.

Module 3Self-paced Activities: Using the Business Model Canvas to Get to Know Your Ghana Business Client.

  • Watch the Business Model Canvas video.
  • Watch the Getting From Business Idea to Business Model video.

Module 4Self-paced Activities: THE SWOT Analysis.

  • Watch what is the SWOT analysis video.

Module 5 – Self-paced follow-up activities: Getting to Know Your Community in Ghana.

  • Students review the Community Profile.
  • Students will need to understand the living conditions in the community where their clients reside. Students prepare a list of questions for community members on Day 1 in Ghana, based upon the assignment.

MODULE 6 – LIVE ZOOM SESSION (to be completed at least 1 week before the trip to Ghana)

Module 6 – Live Zoom Session (scheduling to be coordinated with the faculty member and students)

  • Meet the In-Person Program coordinator.
  • Review the In-Person Itinerary, goals and objectives for the program, and Safety and Security Regulations.
  • The topics that students will develop as part of the Business Fundamentals Workshop for Ghanaian vocational students (15-18 years old) and their teachers.




Travel to Ghana


Module 7Introduction to the In-Person Program 1:00 – 1:30 pm 

Introductions and Review Itinerary

Staff and students introduce themselves to one another. Review of the program’s itinerary and ground rules.

Module 8: Visiting the Community (2:30 – 5:30 PM)

Students visit the community and meet its leaders, identify the social determinants of health and the economic situation of the people  in the community (to be discussed in more detail in Module 9).

Module 9 – Discussion: Economic Context in Ghana, Social Determinants Impacting the Economic Situation; What Does It Mean to be a Consultant in an International Context? How to Analyze a Client’s Business Using the Business Model Canvas (BMC) (7:00- 9:00 PM)

Discuss the economic context in Ghana, the social determinants affecting the economic situation of rural communities in this country, and key principles of international business consulting. Practice the use of the Business Model Canvas to assess business operations during a business consultation session, identify current key business outcomes, and identify potential improvements based on the client’s profile.


Module 10 – Getting to Know Your Clients; Working Lunch with Clients (9:00 – Noon)

Student groups interview their clients through the framework of the Business Model Canvas. Students obtain qualitative and quantitative information from their client, while using communication skills such as active listening and rapport-building, among others.

Module 11 Working Session 1: Analyzing your Client´s Business (1:00 – 3:00 PM)

Students in their groups will analyze the information gained through their client interviews, summarize the results using a SWOT analysis, begin to formulate solutions for their clients’ businesses, and begin to draft a business plan for their client.

Module 12 –  Working Session 2: Preparation of the Business Fundamentals Workshop to Vocational School Students (3:30- 6:30 PM)

Students will prepare their Workshop on Business Fundamentals. Topics include: What is an Entrepreneur?; How to Start a Business?; and How to Manage a Business?

Reflection and debrief time (7:30 – 8:00 PM)


Module 13 – Client Consultation Session 2; Working Lunch with Clients (9:00 AM – Noon)

Student groups discuss possible solutions with their clients, and ask additional questions as needed.

Module 14 – Working Session 3: Analyzing your Client’s Business (1:00 – 4:00 PM)

Students work in their groups to prepare a Written Report for their client, which consists of the client’s profile, BMC, SWOT analysis, business plan with recommended solutions to issues and challenges, timeline for implementation, and explanations of options. Students in their groups will present an overview of their Written Report to their Coordinator for feedback.

Module 15Working Session 4: Preparation of the Business Fundamentals Workshop to Vocational School Students (3:30- 6:30 PM)

Students will continue to prepare materials and practice their Workshop for vocational school students and their teachers.

Reflection and debrief time (7:30 – 8:00 PM)


Module 16 Business Fundamentals Workshop: Part 1; Working Lunch with Vocational Students (8:00 AM – Noon)

Students present the first two main topics to vocational students and their teachers: What is an entrepreneur? and How to start a business?

Module 17 Working Session 5: Analyzing your Client’s Business (4:00- 6:00 PM )

Students work in their groups to finalize their  Written Report for their client, which consists of the client’s profile, BMC, SWOT analysis, business plan with recommended solutions to issues and challenges, timeline for implementation, and explanations of options. Students in their groups will present an overview of their Written Report to their Coordinator for feedback.

Reflection and debrief time (7:30- 8:00 PM)


Module 18 Business Fundamentals Workshop: Part 2; Working Lunch with Vocational Students (8:00 AM – Noon)

Students present the third topic to vocational students and their teachers: How to Manage a Business?

Module 19 – Student Group Presentations to their Clients (2:00-  4:00 PM) 

Student groups present an overview of their Written Report to their client.

Module 20 – Cultural Exchange with the Community (4:00 – 6:00 PM)

Module 21 – Final Reflection on the Program Experiences (7:00 – 8:00 PM)


Cultural Tour (8:00 – 5:00 PM) 


Trip back to the USA


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