Squads Abroad is a 501c3 non-profit organization under our parent company Global Brigades, a Platinum Level Guidestar member for Financial Transparency. Since 2004, our organization has collectively mobilized more than 70,000 international volunteers to help resolve global health and economic disparities around the world.

Ask us how you and your class can customize this offering to be done in person in one of our program countries.

Students develop and design marketing initiatives and materials for resource-limited small businesses in rural and urban communities in Honduras to drive business growth. Students work in small groups to consult with an individual business client.

Using the 7 Ps of the Marketing Mix as a framework, students conduct client interviews and industry research to create, design, and present a Marketing Plan and collateral to their business client. Throughout the course, students are guided by our local economic development professionals and corporate consultants from leading consulting firms.

In addition to our skills-based learning objectives, seeking to build intercultural competence is integrated into the course. English and Spanish versions of the final executive summary presentation and the client business plan will be developed with the assistance of our staff.

Marketing Program Learning Objectives

Students that successfully complete this Marketing Program will be able to:

  • Analyze economic issues impacting rural communities in a developing country.
  • Analyze a business’s strengths and weaknesses to develop appropriate marketing solutions.
  • Collaborate in small groups to consult with an urban or rural-based business client to develop a marketing plan and collateral to drive business growth in a developing country.

Resources provided in support of the virtual sessions and Modules

  • Bilingual, on-the-ground session facilitators and client liaisons with business backgrounds who will coordinate each virtual session with students.
  • A translator is provided in each virtual session in which students engage with business clients.
  • Corporate consultant drawn from major consulting firms.
  • Students work in small groups with their individual business clients.
  • Electronic support materials in Canvas (LMS) are provided to all students.
  • Session scheduling that coordinates all class meetings and meetings with business clients.


There are ten Modules in the Developing Marketing Plans and Collateral for Resource-limited Small Businesses (Honduras) Program that can be variously assembled to build programs of the appropriate length and focus.

Module 1: Introduction to Kambia/Global Brigades, Economic Environment in Honduras, and What Does It Mean to be a Consultant in an International Context? (Contact time: 2 hours est.)

Discuss the mission and vision of Kambia/Global Brigades, the economic context in Honduras, the economic environment affecting urban and rural communities in this country, and the key principles of international business consulting.

Module 1 – Self-paced follow-up activities: 

Students will complete activities on key skills used in international business consulting processes, and the cultural factors that are important to keep in mind when consulting with business owners in this country.

Module 2: Marketing Challenges of Urban and Rural Microenterprises and Developing Successful Marketing Strategies (Contact time: 2 hours est.)

Understand the marketing challenges faced by business owners in rural and urban areas of Honduras. Students will learn successful marketing strategies that can be  used in developing countries.

Module 2 – Self-paced follow-up activities:

Students review the 7 Ps of the Marketing Mix framework in preparation for their application in Module 3.

Module 3: The 7 Ps of the Marketing Mix and Client Profile (Contact time: 2 hours est.)

How the 7 Ps of the Marketing Mix – product, pricing, place, promotion, physical evidence, people, and processes – are used to analyze a Honduran business owner’s marketing efforts.

Students work in small groups to review their business owner’s (client’s) profile to begin to develop questions for the client meeting in Module 4.

Module 3 – Self-paced follow-up activities:

Students continue to develop their group’s client questions. They also review basic Spanish business terms for the client consultation meeting in Module 4.

Module 4: Group Meetings with Clients – Consultation Meeting 1 (Contact time: 2 hours est.)

Initial meeting between the small student groups and their clients to gain an understanding of the client’s marketing challenges, using questions developed earlier. Students establish a professional relationship with their clients, and begin to understand the economic environment that impacts their client’s business.

Module 4 – Self-paced Activity:

Students review their notes from their client consultation meeting, and begin to analyze the marketing challenges faced by their client.

Module 5: Working Session 1 (Contact time: 2 hours est.)

Students in their groups use the 7 Ps of the Marketing Mix to review their client’s current marketing practices, identify which areas need to be strengthened, and which areas of the Marketing Mix need to be developed. Based on their findings, students begin to develop additional questions for their client meeting in Module 6.

Module 5 – Self-paced Activity:

Students continue to develop their questions for their client meeting in Module 6.

Module 6: Group Meetings with Clients – Consultation Meeting 2 and Working Session 2 (Contact time: 2 hours est.)

Second meeting between the small student groups and their clients to gain additional information to begin to develop a Marketing Plan for their client.

Students will then work in their groups to develop a Marketing Plan and deliverables for their client that will be presented by the group to the corporate consultant in Module 7.

Module 6 – Self-paced Activity:

Students continue to develop a Marketing Plan Marketing Plan and deliverables for their client that will be presented by their group to the corporate consultant in Module 7.

Module 7: Mentoring Session with the Corporate Consultant (Contact time: 2 hours est.)

Student groups will present their Marketing Plan Marketing Plan and deliverables for their client to the corporate consultant for feedback.

Module 7 – Self-paced Activity:

Students revise their group’s Marketing Plan based on feedback received in Module 7.

Module 8: Working Session 3 (Contact time: 2 hours est.)

Students continue working in their groups to revise their Marketing Plan and deliverables for the client.

Module 8 – Self-paced Activity:

Students finalize their group’s Marketing Plan and deliverables for the client for feedback in Module.

Module 9: Group Presentations of their Marketing Plan and Deliverables (Contact time: 2 hours est.)

Each group presents their client’s Marketing Plan and deliverables to the whole class, facilitator, and client liaisons for comment and feedback.

Module 9 – Self-paced Activity:

Students revise their client’s Marketing Plan and deliverables taking into comments and feedback from their peers, facilitator, and client liaisons.

Module 10: Group Presentations of the Marketing Plan and Deliverables to their Clients and Final Reflections (Contact time: 2 hours est.)

Each group presents the Marketing Plan and deliverables individually to their client. Facilitator leads a reflection and discussion on the experience in the program.

Module 10 – Self-paced Activity:

Students complete the evaluation survey.


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